Monday, June 7, 2010

A Family & Their Best Friend: Mike & Krista

As we prepared for our portrait session in Ashburn, VA, Krista told me that she wanted to capture her family and especially the relationship that has blossomed between her two daughters, Elizabeth (nicknamed E) and Anna (nicknamed Lou). Also included in this mix would be Bailey, their 9 year old dog and best friend, who had never been included in their previous photo sessions.

As the day of the session came, I felt bad because Lou was a bit under the weather with a cold, but it didn't take long before she was out and about with E, running and dancing. E was always ready for the camera, which made things easy. I told E that there would be times that I had to use the "pretty girl" lens, which automatically brought a smile to her face.

The interaction between the family as a whole was nice to see. If you saw E, Lou was not too far behind. As Krista played a Miley Cyrus song off of her iPhone, you could catch the girls (and even Mike!) dancing to it. It was nice to see such a strong bond between siblings at such a young age. I can only remember hating my brother for throwing boogers at me, farting in my face, blowing morning breath in my face while I was still sleeping, and other gross things when I was younger. Amazingly, we're the best of friends now, so I think E and Lou are off to a great start.

One of the funnier moments of the day was watching the family play around on the lawn. Krista was the loving and playful Mom. Mike, on the other hand, has clearly taught E a thing or two about wrestling. You could catch E wrestling with Dad and even copying Mike's signature "claw" move (reference the movie Liar Liar). I believe that she has found a couple of her own signature moves as well. Mike probably could've used a jock strap, but thankfully for me, I was standing behind the camera all morning to capture some of those entertaining moments.

Looking for a portrait or wedding photographer in the Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland Area? I know --shameless plug, but I have to do it...


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James Woo
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