Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hello World!: Peyton

Back in February, I spoke with Kerri and found out she was pregnant and expecting sometime this past spring. In late March, Tim and Kerri introduced Peyton to the world! A few months later, I met up with Tim and Kerri to capture some photographs of Peyton at their home in Leesburg, VA.

We both wanted to get creative with Peyton's newborn photographs, but as our session progressed, we started to realize that our time would revolve around Peyton's world and it certainly did. She is so precious with so many facial expressions. As with all newborns, I constantly wonder what they are thinking about and what they're trying to communicate to us. Being first time parents, you could see a constant glow on Tim and Kerri's faces, as they held Peyton in their arms for various photos. I'm sure they knew that this would be one of the rare times that they get to hold someone so small that means so much to them.

Even though the weather was a bit gloomy with spots of rain here and there, we had a great time capturing as much as we could. I look forward to taking more photos of Peyton, as she continues to grow. Welcome aboard Peyton!

Special thanks for Kingston Ko for helping to capture some of these moments with me.

Looking for a portrait or wedding photographer in the Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland Area? I know --shameless plug, but I have to do it...


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James Woo
Washington DC Area

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